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Estadio Serra Dourada atual
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Estadio Serra Dourada Maquete
Estadio Serra Dourada Maquete
Estadio Serra Dourada Maquete
Estadio Serra Dourada Maquete
Estadio Serra Dourada Maquete

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News Updated

Teams that played Mateus



Goiás E. C 

                    GOIÁS E. C.

Vila Nova F. C.

            VILA NOVA F. C.   


                Other Equipes.1 th Division

     Atletico C. G.



Associação Atletica Aparecidense Anapolis F. C. Clube Recreativo Atletico Catalano


Itumbiara Esporte Assiciação Atletica Jataiensse Mineiros


Santa Helena Associação Atletica Anapolina Trindade

Total de visitas: 55966

Idioma Brasileiro UE Idioma Ingles




My Story






Child Photo

Photo Sub 17

Photo Sub 20

Photo Professional

Several Photos

Mural of Scraps


My Story
My Story
My Story



The Reportagen the







_ My date of birth is 24.04.1987. My name is Matthew Dafico Isecke, I left. I player from mid-field (Left Half). Football game from 5 years of age.

_When I was 5 years old started to play the hall soccer (futsal). In the hall soccer (futsal) at school in Goias E. C. at the end of 1994, I transferred to the soccer field. In the beginning of 1995, came to the soccer field and then the teachers were selected to form the boys team of milk-tooth. I began to play as defensive Midfielders and promoted to Captain of the team. Until almost the end of 1999, played in teams of Goiás E. C. when I had to stop for a health treatment. I had inflammation of glands. I cured and returned to play, but another team. I returned to work in team of the "Sociedade Esportiva Futebol Arte", where in the first year it is South American champion unbeaten.


_ Played by this team until the mid-year 2002, where he was champion twice. I transferred to Campineira / MG Sports at the invitation of coach Lula, former Athletic C. G. This season (2002) the Coach put me to work offensive Midfielders left-handed - LEFT-HANDED PERSON, where is the game that even the days of today.I was vice champion in my first dispute in the "National Tournament of Corumbá. I was champion in 2003 and in the "Tournament of Portelândia" was highlighted (I won, degree of emphasis of the tournament). This year (2003) I was invited to hold some friendly matches for the Vila Nova FC that led to my transfer to this club. At the beginning of 2004 I was working by the team of Vila Nova F. C. and signed contract that would by the end of March 2007. On this team, I was champion in the first two events I attended. Had the task of preparing the play, and perform all the penalties of ball stop (faults, Penalty and escanteio). In 2005, already in sub-20 team in the first year of Junior, I was champion of the state with coach Roberto Oliveira. This year I was selected along with other athletes from other teams and 3 more athletes of Vila Nova F. C. prominence and promise as real, as evidenced by the article the newspaper Diário da Manhã "of the day 13/09/2005. Check the site includes news of

 Article Title

"Os Ídolos de amanhã".

Related materials 

 "Vila Nova Futebol Clube".

 _ This year, I had the opportunity to compose the group of professionals of Vila Nova. I played in several friendly matches the interior of Goiás My first professional game at the Vila Nova F. C. was with Coach Mauro Galvão.

_ This year, I also had the misfortune to hurt the medial collateral ligament of left knee. The contusion was in the training that took on the trip to a national tournament (the junior Cup Belo Horizonte - BH Cup). I was stopped by treatment for 8 weeks. When returned to competition "Cup Goiás," was in progress, but still managed a 3rd place. 

 _ I was selected to play another national tournament "Copa São Paulo de Juniors (beginning of 2006). After this competition, for personal reasons, I decided to stop the soccer and I began to prepare to enter the University. In the middle of 2006, decided to return to play. I did work on physical conditioning for 2 months, with monitoring of a team's physical preparer Vila Nova F. C. (RODRIGO ROCHA SALES). After I came back to play in the team from Vila Nova F. C. At that time I was invited to act in UNITRI the city of Uberlândia - MG. However not hit contract with the team's UNITRI. I returned to Vila Nova F. C. Restart the training and was called to sign new contract. On the day of signing this contract, after having already signed, I went for training and unfortunately had a contusion in the left ankle ligaments. I went to the medical department for treatment and recovered after the first round of the championship of Goias Jr (40 Days STANDSTILL).

_ Because change in the age group to dispute the Cup São Paulo, I was inclined to get off the soccer again and again I spend only in preparation for the University. However, I was invited to play by the team of Ceres F. C. I decided to accept the invitation, and I dispute the second round by the team.
_ In 2007, I dispute the under-20 championship Goiano by Ceres, which were the final against the team of Goiás E. C. and we were Vice Champion.

 _ In 2008 I spent the vestibular (test to enter university) (had already been approved in previous year) and I decided to stop the soccer, and I dedicate to studies.

_ I had proposed to act by teams of Brasilia - DF and other regions, but not accepted. Decided to stay in Goiânia and attend the college.

I was advised not to quit, or stop. Many trainers and also was against my decision, however, was a little disappointed and concerned about my future. I needed to have a profession that would guarantee my future, and football in this season of my life, I caused uncertainty. I put in the balance, and I made the decision alone, and one of the facts that were weighed more, had already been approved twice to enter the University, being the first time I do not enroll because of football. Today, I want to play again (I'm young and I know I can). Already gone a long way in my university, I am also a professor of young athletes in football, and if, the day they can no longer play football or fazerde not my dream to reality, I will attend the University and soon will be with my diploma higher level. I am ready to return. I want to play in Europe, primarily for ease in acquiring the Community Passport (Descendant of German).